
Logos & Stickers

Hei fannt dir Logoen a Banneren vum RL fir op är Websäit oder QSLs-Kaarten.

RL Logo

The RL Logo exists in 4 different sizes (GIF format):

Vectorized Logos (CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, EPS) an be obtained on request by emailing

Disclaimer: The use of the RL Logo is permitted on the internet if 3 conditions are fulfilled:

  1. The RL-Logo must contain a link to
  2. The RL-Logo may only be published on pages related to amateur radio.
  3. The proportions and colors must not be changed. Color Exception: black and white logo.

The RL Logo is copyright of the Radioamateurs du Luxembourg a.s.b.l. and cannot be commercially used without the written consent of the RL committee. ©

The use of the RL-Logo on QSL-Cards is only permitted to members of the RL.

RL Tasen – RL Mugs

RL mugs

Zwee verschidde Modeller vun RL Tasen

(RL QSL Bureau an DVC Working Group)

si fir 9 € d’Stéck ze kréien.

RL Badge

RL badge

RL Badgen si fir 1,50 € d’Stéck ze kréien.

RL Autocollants – Stickers

RL stickers

RL Autocollanten si fir 1€ d’Stéck ze kréien.

Wimpelen a Pins kann ee fir jeweils 12€ kréien.